Stephen Hayes – Vice Chairman
Stephen Hayes received a Bachelor of Arts in Religion from Grand Canyon University in 1974. He was ordained into the gospel ministry by North Phoenix Baptist Church in 1975. He received a Masters of Divinity at Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary in 1977 and a Doctor of Ministry from Gateway Seminary in 2018. Currently, Stephen serves as Transitional Pastor for Southern Baptist Churches with the Arizona Southern Baptist Churches and Associate Director of the Arizona THRIVE Network of Baptist Churches. The International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention commissioned him for overseas service 1980 – 2007. Stephen and his wife Marcia celebrate fortyeight years of marriage and excellence in ministry together. Twenty-seven years were spent in a cross-cultural context as overseas missionaries and twenty-one years in stateside local church ministry. Steve’s hobbies include reading, gardening, golfing, fishing and more golfing.